Who we are
Society for Special Persons is a registered non-profit organization working for the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities in all circles of life. SSP was founded in 2008 by PWDs with hopes to encourage people like them and bridge the gap between PWDs and able people through promoting awareness about disabilities and advocating the rights of PWDs.SSP does not perceive PWDs as suffering from weakness or persons lacking any traits that entitle a person to be called normal or fully able, rather SSP’s mission is to inform PWDs and the general public that PWDs are differently able.SSP’s mission is to normalize the inclusion of PWDs in the society by making public spaces accessible.
SSP has fortified the concept of accessibility and inclusion mainly on the grass root level, specifically in the 11 districts of South Punjab through demonstrated leadership, effective advocacy of rights, counselling and attendant trainings, opportunities for employment for PWDs, successful campaigns such as Accessible Pakistan, (link to accessible Pakistan, to redirect the visitor to the page) skills development programs such InclusiveVocational Training Center for PWDs, recreational and sports activities Wheelchair Super League (link to redirect visitor to page), mobilization projects such as Customized Wheelchair Unit, Pakistan (link to redirect visitor to the page)working to provide free wheelchairs to PWDs in underprivileged areas free of cost.